Number of images:3
Click each image to be bigger size
■ Corresponding keyword/ Manufacturer Part Number:
子供用 A3Y4152
■ Size:
首回り (Neck size):約25cm
■ Remarks matter:
*:28℃以下で自然凍結 (Natural freezing at 28℃.) *:電気は必要ありません (Not needed any electricity.) *:何度でも再利用可能 (Re-useable again and again.) *:製品の性質上、理由関わらず交換についても受付出来ません *:衛生上検品も全く行えません事、予めご了承お願い致します (Please acknowledge beforehand that we can not check item(s) at all because of its nature.) 材質外側(TPU) 内容物(温度制御成分/Temperture Control Ingrediment) Total Pattern is different for each product 色ムラ加工、プリント剥げ加工になってます
※The order of "Color" is the order of from the left of the first image.
※A blue number of "(○)" is the number of stock.
(The changing of the quantity can be done in shopping cart.)