ICE RING (Neck Cooler) Disney Cold storage ICE RING POUCH L381953 . Japanese brand children's clothing online PETIT BAMBINA.

ICE RING(頸部冷卻器) Disney保冷 ICE RING POUCH (繁體中文) ICE RING(颈部冷却器) Disney保冷 ICE RING POUCH (简体中文) ICE RING(넥 쿨러) Disney보냉 ICE RING POUCH (한국어) ICE RING(アイスリング) Disney保冷ICE RINGポーチ
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Brand children's clothing online PETIT BAMBINA > ICE RING (Neck Cooler) > Accessories > Disney Cold storage ICE RING POUCH
ICE RING (Neck Cooler)
Tax included:
3490 yen
(Net of tax:3173 yen)
ICE RING (Neck Cooler)
Part number:ice-76
Item name:Disney Cold storage ICE RING POUCH
Number of images:1
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Manufacturer Part Number:
ペット用 子供用 大人用 L381953
Size: Height:21cm
Remarks matter: 色ムラ加工、USEDっぽい縫製箇所あります

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